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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you ensure that your bags are the best quality on the market?

Yes, we specialize in the best quality replicas, that's why we moved from DH Gate to this site. We specialize in bags and wallets, which is why we are the most expert in identifying counterfeits and inferior products.

How can I trust you?

We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online, especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our client's money like our money and this is why our business is successful.

We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don't want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100 % comfortable before buying.

When will my order arrive?

We have strict extended quality control procedures to ensure the bags are in good condition. Express shipping time is 10-25 days by Fedex (USA) and DHL and other secure methods (EU).

Although we do not expect this to happen, if there are any significant delays with your order we will contact you immediately. From the time you place your order until you receive your goods, we will be in touch with you.

However, delivery time is still affected by many force majeure reasons such as weather, flights, holidays, etc., so it may sometimes be delayed. But don’t worry, we are 100% committed to you getting it safely and will keep you informed of any updates and you are welcome to contact us anytime.

Can I return the product after receiving it?

Yes, it's OK. Our quality control team will check each package carefully before shipping, we accept returns when quality problems occur, any problems with our products, whatsapp or send us an email, we will reply as soon as possible.

Due to the high value of the goods, our shipping solutions need to ensure adequate security, and we purchase insurance for each package.

Please understand our efforts to deliver packages safely and quickly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. The transportation time is affected by many factors such as the destination country, customs, weather, etc., and it is indeed difficult to control. That's what we're always trying to make better and improve.

How do I track shipping status?

You can log in to our website to check the status of your order, which contains the shipping tracking number. You can check the status through

Can you ship to my country?

We can ship to your country. We can ship single samples or large orders to over 100 countries.

Which courier companies do you work with?
We are working with fast logistics/express providers to ship goods to all over the world via air freight. We cooperate with all major trustworthy express delivery companies, including FedEx, UPS, DHL, EMS and other express delivery providers.

Where are the products shipped from?
We ship from China.

Quality Control:

How do you control product quality?
After many years of operation in DHGate, we have stocked many high-quality factory sources, and we only cooperate with suppliers with long-term stable supply and stable quality. We conduct product testing before listing the product on our website. Only products with stable quality will be put on the shelves.

In addition, we will manually inspect the appearance and quality of the products before shipment to ensure that the goods you receive are of high quality.

customer service:

If you encounter any problems, can you contact customer service?
Yes, any questions, that's how customer service works.

What hours are customer service available?
Monday to Sunday. 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT+8:00). You can contact us anytime via WhatsApp. If you have any questions, please leave a message and customer service will usually reply to you within 24 hours.


How to apply for an agent?
You can contact us via Whatsapp and briefly introduce yourself and your business, your name, your region, your market coverage, your contact information, your expected monthly order quantity, your preferred products, etc. , the more detailed the better.